Web Easy Grader Updated

We’ve made updates to the web easy grader to eliminated bugs and increase it’s usability. The new version is available at the same link: http://classroomcore.com/grader. The mobile app versions should be available soon.

Creating a table of scores now opens a small calculator that allows teachers to enter a number wrong or use the +/- buttons to calculate an individual score. This follows the Classroom Core philosophy of making all our tools easy to use and providing options so that teachers can use the tools to fit their methods, not have to change to fit the tools.

The Easy Grader was designed with direct input from classroom teachers. It combines all the features they wanted to help get scores for the worksheets, papers and essays they had to grade. It is built to be simple, easy-to-use, and rich with features.

Some of the features are to meet the grading preferences of different teachers – some want to score based on the number of questions a student got correct while others preferred to score on subtracting from the total based on how many student scored incorrect. Other features allow teachers to align the grader with differing grading scales or give them the option of scoring partial credit.

As always, Classroom Core strives to provide all of its tools ad-supported and free of cost to classroom teachers.

The original post about the launch of the web easy grader is here: http://www.classroomcore.com/blog/2019/02/19/web-easy-grader-launched/

Web Easy Grader Launched

The Classroom Core Easy Grader is now available at classroomcore.com/grader. The Easy Grader was designed with direct input from classroom teachers. It combines all the features they wanted to help get scores for the worksheets, papers and essays they had to grade. It is built to be simple, easy-to-use, and rich with features.

Some of the features are to meet the grading preferences of different teachers – some want to score based on the number of questions the student got correct while others preferred to score by subtracting from the total based on how many student scored incorrect. Other features are the ability to change grading scales, or to score half-points.

As always, Classroom Core strives to provide all of its tool ad supported and free of cost to classroom teachers.

We hope to release the mobile app versions of the Easy Grader very soon.

9 Tips for Classroom Safety

1 Keep Exits Clear.
Make sure all classroom exits, both doors and windows, remain clear from obstructions and clutter.

2 Safe Ladder Use.
When putting up decorations or accessing materials on high shelves, always use a ladder. Do NOT stand on chairs, stools, or desks.

3 Hang Decorations Properly.
Avoid hanging things from light fixtures and sprinkler heads. Do not block exit signs or obstruct any exits.

4 Keep Hazardous Materials Out Of Reach.
Hazardous materials, such as cleaning supplies and chemicals used for instruction, should be properly labeled and securely stored.

5 Eliminate Tripping Hazards.
Do not leave unattended drawers or cabinet doors open. Make sure chairs are pushed in when students are moving around. Keep items put away when not in use to prevent tripping.

6 Be Aware Of Electrical Cords.
Make sure electrical cords are not running through high-traffic areas, walkways, and doorways. Do not fasten cords with staples, hang from nails, or suspend them with a wire. Don’t cover them with rugs or mats.

7 Do Not Overload Electrical Circuits.
Do not plug two extension cords or two surge protectors together. Be careful how many devices you are plugging into one outlet.

8 Use Care When Lifting Heavy Objects.
When setting up a classroom, rearranging things, or moving heavy items like textbooks, use safe lifting techniques to avoid injury.

9 Post An Evacuation Plan Near The Door.
Ensure all students are familiar with the exit routes in case of emergency. Post a resource for evacuations in the room, such as a map detailing the specific classroom location and highlighting the various exit routes available.

Tips For Classroom Management

1: Establish classroom rules immediately

2: Set logical rules and consequences

3: Use positive instead of negative language

4: Make your students feel responsible for their own learning

5: Praise efforts and achievements for their own sake, not for the sake of teacher approval

6: Be mindful of different learning paces

7: Avoid confrontations in front of students

8: Connect with the parents

9: Interactively model behaviors

10: Get the attention of every student before beginning class

10 Tips for effective Teaching

1. Know your subject
It may seem obvious, but the reports find that the best teachers have a deep knowledge of their subject, and if that falls below a certain point it has a significant impact on students’ learning. Targeted help for teachers, giving them an understanding of particular areas where their knowledge is weak, could be effective.

2. Praise can do more harm than good
The wrong kind of praise can be harmful for students. A number of studies conducted by education experts, including Carol Dweck professor of psychology at Stanford University and Auckland University professors John Hattie and Helen Timperley, have observed this. If a pupil’s failure is met with sympathy rather than anger then they were more likely to think they had done badly due to a lack of ability.

3. Instruction matters
The quality of teaching has a big impact on the achievement of students’ from poorer backgrounds, and effective questioning and assessment are at the heart of great teaching. This involves giving enough time for children to practice new skills and introducing learning progressively.

4. Teacher beliefs count
The reasons why teachers do certain things in the classroom and what they hope to achieve has an effect on student progress. Mike Askew, the author of Effective Teachers of Numeracy, found that beliefs about the nature of math and what it means to understand it, along with teachers’ ideas about how children learn and their role in that process, was an important factor in how effective they were.

5. Think about teacher-student relationships
The interactions teachers have with students has a big impact on learning. It is important to create a classroom environment that is constantly demanding more while affirming students’ self-worth.

6. Manage behavior
Classroom management – including how well a teacher makes use of lesson time, coordinates classroom resources and manages the behavior of students – was noted as important.

7. There’s no evidence that setting works
Putting students in groups depending on their ability makes little difference to their learning. Although setting can in theory let teachers work at a pace that suits all pupils and tailor content, it can also create an exaggerated sense of all pupils being alike in the teacher’s mind. This can result in teachers not accommodating to the various different needs within one group and in some instances going too fast with high-ability groups and too slow with low ones.

8. Don’t worry about learning styles
A survey showed that more than 90% of teachers think individuals learn better when they get information in their preferred learning style. But despite the popularity of this approach psychological evidence shows that there is no evidence this actually works.

9. Learning should be hard at first
Elizabeth Ligon Bjork, professor at the University of Michigan and Robert Bjork, professor at the University of California, said that varying the type of tasks you ask pupils to do improves retention even though it makes learning harder initially.

10. Build relationships with colleagues and parents
A teacher’s professional behavior, including supporting colleagues and talking with parents, also has an impact on students’ learning.

4 Tips to Develop Creativity in Students

1. Set up learning activities that allow students to explore their creativity in relevant, interesting, and worthwhile ways.

2. Value creativity and celebrate and reward it.

3. Teach students the other skills they need to be creative.

4. Remove constraints for creativity and give the students space and a framework in which they can be creative.

7 Tips for Better Classroom Management

1. Love your Students
Love them — and stand firmly against behavior that doesn’t meet your expectations or reflect their inner greatness.

2. Assume the Best in Your Students
If a student does not meet one of your classroom expectations, they needed to know that you loved them but not their misbehavior. Assume that they are trying to meet the expected standards unless they give you reason to believe otherwise.

3. Praise What and When You Can
Call attention to the things your students are doing that meet your expectations. It enables you to restate and reinforce the expectations for student behavior in a non-negative way.

4. Do Sweat the Small Stuff
If you only “sweat” major misbehaviors, students will get the sense that minor misbehaviors are OK. If, on the other hand, you lovingly confront even the smallest misbehaviors, then it will be clear to students that, inside the four walls of your classroom, things that detract from what you’re trying to achieve are unacceptable.

5. Identify Yourself
A classroom where each student deeply trusts the teacher has the potential to be a great environment for learning. To build that trust, tell your students who you are and why you chose to be a teacher. Tell them about your background, what you did when you were their age, and why you want to be their teacher.

6. Forge a Class Identity
Begin the year by forging a positive, collective identity as a class.

7. Have a Plan
Your lesson plans need to be crystal clear. You need to begin each day with clarity about what students should know and be able to do by the end of the class period, and every second of your day should be purposefully moving you toward that end.

Professional Development Tips

The essence of a teacher is to help others. This is why it may so hard for educators to look at themselves to see what they can improve upon. Here are a few tips to help you improve your performance as a teacher.

  1. Read – Join a professional scholarly journal, go online and read educational blogs, or read some literature on education. Knowledge is power.
  2. Participate – Go to educational conferences or workshops, or attend online seminars. Participation in these types of event will make you a more effective teacher.
  3. Join a Group – There are many groups you that you can join, online and off. All of these groups are a great source of information as well as inspiration. You can learn a lot from other professionals who have years of experience.
  4. Observe Your Peers – An effective teacher takes the time to observe other teachers. These teachers can be a great source of knowledge for you. You can find a new strategy to teach or behavior management plan to implement.
  5. Share – Once you have improved your performance, then you should share your knowledge with others. Contribute to your profession, and others will be thankful.

Classroom Core is Online

Classroom Core was founded to provide innovative solutions to classroom teachers. We hope to announce our first product soon.